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【自資系活動公告】2016「Gro Brundtland Week of Women in Sustainable Development」女性永續發展科學週活動
  • 李院士專題演講海報
  • 花蓮場次海報

 The department of Natural Resource and Environmental Studies (NRES), National Dong Hwa University (NDHU) and National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) present the “Gro Brundtland Week of Women in Sustainable Development ”on Wednesday, February 24th. The events will be held in room A108, Science and Engineering Building I and room B119, Environmental Science Building. We have invited Prof. Yuan-Tseh Lee (academic Sinica) as a plenary speaker between 10:00 and 11:30 in room A108, Science and Engineering Building I. In the afternoon, there are a symposium and a panel discussion in room B119 & A205, Environmental Science Building. Please check the attached files for more details. You are welcome to join. Registration online at

Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland was awarded the 2014 Tang Prize in Sustainable Development. She provides part of the reward to promote the involvement of younger women researchers from developing countries concerning issues of sustainable development and equitable health systems. President Huey-Jen Su from NCKU is committed to manage this budget to achieve the goal under the agreement of Dr. Brundtland and Tang Prize Foundation. Taiwan will be home to be a one-week science activity featuring plenary sessions, symposiums, panel discussions and exhibitions concerning global issues related to sustainable development in public health between February 20th and 26th 2016 in NCKU, Tainan; National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, as well as Academia Sinica and Tang Prize Foundation, Taipei. Five qualified female researchers from developing countries and Taiwan are invited and subsidized to present their work during the week. The building of a network and support system among female scientists from different countries will be emphasized and promoted throughout the event. An additional focus is the interest of the public in sustainable development and its relevance to everyday life.

For more information please refer to the webpage:


國立東華大學自然資源與環境學系將與臺南國立成功大學於2016年2月24日(周三)假本校理工學院一館第一講堂、環境學院大樓共同舉辦「Gro Brundtland Week of Women in Sustainable Development」女性永續發展科學週活動。本場次將邀請中央研究院李遠哲院士於理工學院一館第一講堂進行開幕演講,當日下午亦於環境學院大樓安排座談會及討論會(請詳閱附加檔)。自然資源與環境學系敬邀大家共同參與,活動報名網址請點閱:

國立成功大學受李遠哲院士推薦、唐獎教育基金會委託,將運用得獎主 Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland所捐贈的部份獎金培養開發中國家且投入於永續發展領域的年輕女性研究人員。籌備小組謹訂於2016年2月20日至26日於臺南成功大學、花蓮東華大學、臺北中研院及唐獎教育基金會等地巡迴舉辦「Gro Brundtland Week of Women in Sustainable Development」女性永續發展科學週活動,主軸環繞在健康暨永續發展議題,包含婦女與孩童健康、傳染病、環境永續等。我們選拔5位來自開發中國家之優秀年輕女性學者來臺展示其相關研究工作,同步號召國內各界年輕優秀女性科學家共襄盛舉,期藉多元且跨領域交流分享逐步建立跨國夥伴關係及互相支援的機制,為新世代女性學者建立國際合作平台,加速永續發展概念之落實及推廣。除此外,科學週活動亦歡迎所有師生及一般民眾共襄盛舉,加速國內永續發展概念之推廣及落實。本活動榮幸邀請美國哈佛大學Jack Spengler教授(活動地點:國立成功大學)、美國東西方中心 (East-West Center) Nancy Lewis 教授(活動地點:成功大學)、中央研究院李遠哲院士(活動地點:國立東華大學)以及中央研究院潘文涵(活動地點:中央研究院)教授進行專題演講。



